Eich himself invented JavaScript more than 20 years ago and remains active in its development, but the software's not an unalloyed good: Scripts also can be used to identify you and launch attacks on your computers. So don't expect a full-featured, polished web in a Tor tab. In addition, Zhu said, Tor private tabs will block scripts - programming instructions written in the JavaScript language that can make websites much more useful and interactive. The Tor private tabs will be more aggressive, preventing any insecure connection at all, Eich said. For example, it already tries to upgrade insecure HTTP website communication links into encrypted HTTPS links when possible to make it harder for others to snoop your network traffic. Blocking JavaScriptīrave goes farther than ordinary private tabs in other ways, too. Using Tor makes that kind of tracking much harder. That could be a strong signal that you're in the market for a new car, prime information for advertisers.

Even with private tabs and an encrypted connection, for example, your ISP, whose job it is to examine and deliver your network data, could notice that you just visited the IP address of Google's search service and, immediately afterward, visited the webpage of a car dealer. Tor will expand on what private tabs can do. That's why, with private tabs, Amazon can't tell what you have in your shopping basket and why you're not automatically logged into Gmail. Even without private tabs, Brave blocks ads, stops ad industry attempts to track your online behavior, and changes unencrypted website connections to secure connections when possible.